Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Moving SQL Server 2000 databases to another machine

1.Detach all user databasese from source server
2.Stop SQL Server service on the source server
3.Copy the master, msdb and model database to the destination server

Attaching MSDB database on to destination server

To attach the MSDB database, you must startt SQL Server together with the -c option, the -m option, and trace flag 3608. Trace flag 3608 prevents SQL Server from recovering any database except the master database. To add the -c option, the -m option, and trace flag 3608, follow the steps in the "Moving the model database" section. After you add the -c option, the -m option and trace flag 3608, follow these steps:
1. Stop, and then restart SQL Server.
2. Make sure that the SQL Server Agent service is not currently running.

3. Detach the msdb database as follows:
use master
sp_detach_db 'msdb'
4. Move the Msdbdata.mdf and Msdblog.ldf files from the current location (D:\Mssql8\Data) to the new location (E:\Mssql8\Data).
5. Remove -c -m -T3608 from the startup parameters box in Enterprise Manager.
6. Stop and then restart SQL Server.
7. Reattach the msdb database as follows:
use master
sp_attach_db 'msdb','E:\Mssql8\Data\msdbdata.mdf','E:\Mssql8\Data\msdblog.ldf'

attaching the master database on to destination server

1. Change the path for the master data files and the master log files in SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

Note You may also change the location of the error log here.
2. Right-click the SQL Server in Enterprise Manager and then click Properties.
3. Click Startup Parameters to see the following entries:
-d is the fully qualified path for the master database data file.

-e is the fully qualified path for the error log file.

-l is the fully qualified path for the master database log file.
4. Change these values as follows:
a. Remove the current entries for the Master.mdf and Mastlog.ldf files.
b. Add new entries specifying the new location:

5. Stop SQL Server.
6. Copy the Master.mdf and Mastlog.ldf files to the new location (E:\Sqldata).
7. Restart SQL Server

Moving Temp database
You can move tempdb files by using the ALTER DATABASE statement.

1. Use the ALTER DATABASE statement, specifying the logical file name as follows:use master
Alter database tempdb modify file (name = tempdev, filename = 'E:\Sqldata\tempdb.mdf')
Alter database tempdb modify file (name = templog, filename = 'E:\Sqldata\templog.ldf')
2. Stop and then restart SQL Server.

Attaching User database
1. use exec sp_attach_db
use master
EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = N'pubs',
@filename1 = N'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\pubs.mdf',
@filename2 = N'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\pubs_log.ldf'

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