Tuesday, 22 May 2007

How to transfer database diagrams to a different database

Database diagrams are stored in the 'dtproperties' table within the database. So, database diagrams can be transferred to a different database, by transferring the contents of this table.

For example , run the following query to transfer the diagram named 'MyTableDesign' from 'pubs' database to 'northwind':

INSERT northwind..dtproperties
SELECT objectid, property, value, lvalue, version
FROM pubs..dtproperties
WHERE objectid =
SELECT objectid
FROM pubs..dtproperties
WHERE value='MyTableDesign'

Make sure, the tables referenced by these diagrams already exist in the target database, or else these diagrams won't show up in the target database.

1 comment:

JediSQL said...

For SQL 2000 SP4 you need to add the uvalue column:

INSERT northwind..dtproperties (
objectid, property, value, uvalue, lvalue, version
objectid, property, value, uvalue, lvalue, version
FROM pubs..dtproperties
WHERE objectid =
SELECT objectid
FROM pubs..dtproperties
WHERE value='MyTableDesign'